Stiven Saiz

Mobilization and Communications Strategist


Stiven is Social Communicator of Pontifical Xavierian University. He made the organizational emphasis with corporate focus and on communication for social action and community development. Throughout his career, he approached topics related to memory construction and Human Rights. Likewise, he carried out explorations through different expression mechanisms to generate meaning: acting, audiovisual, museographic installation, generation of experiences and creation of digital content. In addition to delving into topics such as qualitative research, the formulation of social projects, the development of diagnoses and strategic communications plans.

His interests revolve around issues related to the mobilization in defense of Human Rights, artistic expression, conflict resolution and processes of social transformation with and for communities. In his degree thesis, precisely, he delved into social mobilization and body art as a political agent. This thesis obtained an Honorable Mention from the Faculty of Communication and Language, and with it he was a speaker at the UNESCO Chair of Communication, organized by the Javeriana University.

Stiven is passionate about working with communities, creating experiences, art, and developing spaces for dialogue; furthermore, he has an intermediate level in English. His functions within Movilizatorio are focused on the Mobilization and Communications area.