Mobilization for artisanal fishing vessels

None of theirs without them! For a place at the table

What is it?

In partnership with WorldFish, we developed and refined a mobilization strategy aimed at assisting artisanal fishers to more effectively represent, communicate and participate their needs in policy and investment deliberations that affect their future.


To make visible the important role that fishing communities play in the world economy and in the fight against climate change. Their contribution is direct in the ecosystems in which they are immersed, but their living conditions remain precarious and their capacity to mobilize and defend their rights is not optimal.


We created a network of leaders and representatives of artisanal fisherwomen, identified demands and opportunities, and strengthened the capacities of spokespersons and communicators of territorial organizations. We built an advocacy strategy and a communication campaign that brought together the main demands and opportunities of this network.







Our impact

followers gained on platforms for @aseat4fishers.
of people reached with the global #ASeatAtTheTable campaign.
0 Millions
proposals for environmental care presented to decision makers.
speeches of artisanal fishery leaders strengthened through 1-on-1 mentoring sessions.
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leadership supported to improve their participation in national or international events such as UNOC, IMPAC5, Monaco Ocean Week, Ladera Sur Festival (Chile), 3rd National Meeting of Protected Areas and Portal Communities (Chile) and COP28.
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global participation events by artisanal fishing delegations.
leadership from more than 30 countries connected with A Seat At The Table.
artisanal fishery leaders trained in advocacy, communication and/or spokespersonship.
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