Daniela Valdivieso

"I seek to seed the idea that the world changes when we care about others."

Daniela Valdivieso

Senior Design Strategist

E-mail: daniela.valdivieso@movilizatorio.org

I grew up with the dream of saving the world, and over the years I have found opportunities to give a clearer and more real direction to that aspiration. I trained as a graphic designer at Jorge Tadeo Lozano University, and towards the end of my career, I found myself in class with two professors who taught me how my profession could contribute to the world. Maybe not to transform it completely, but to put my knowledge at the service of the needs of others.

With four years of experience in my profession, I have focused most of my career in the social sector. My first contact with this field was as a volunteer at the Valientes Colombia Foundation, of which I am still part, where my desire to work for children and adolescents was awakened. This foundation gave me the opportunity to fight for the visibility of the crime of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents (CSEC).

I did my internship with the Universidad de Los Andes in the area of Periodicals in the Faculty of Social Sciences. Subsequently, I worked in an advertising agency and later in Publimetro, in the area of Products and Innovation. These experiences allowed me to apply what I learned and, in addition, I fell in love with editorial design and typography.

I have been part of Movilizatorio since 2022 and my position has been in the research, design and production of products that seek to respond to the needs of the projects and communities we work with. This experience has allowed me to grow professionally, not only in technical and visual terms, but also in my ability to understand and reflect on the contexts in and with which we work. This has led me to develop proposals that seek to be responsible and relevant, ensuring that each product responds appropriately to its environment and context.

I deeply believe that each person, from where they are and the place they inhabit in the world, has the power to contribute to transform it into a warmer place, where injustices and inequalities are easier to overcome for future generations.