E-mail: victoria.giraldo@movilizatorio.org
I am a political scientist and peacebuilding specialist who believes that changing the world is a collective decision. I have an emphasis in conflict resolution and a postgraduate degree in Culture of Peace from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. With more than 7 years of experience I have navigated different scenarios of advocacy and social mobilization on issues of children, adolescence and peace, in international organizations such as World Vision and diplomatic bodies such as the Colombian Consulate in Barcelona. I have dedicated my professional career to defend causes in which I firmly believe, with creative and innovative approaches. Currently I lead technically and strategically the portfolio of projects focused on youth, democracy, participation and peace of the organization. My focus is to accompany and guide technically and methodologically the projects from strategic and impact-oriented approaches. I am a feminist woman who pursues the search for a more just world. My call to action is that we collectively make the decision to make this world a socially and environmentally sustainable place.