We mobilize citizen power in search of a socially and environmentally equitable world.

A laboratory with global reach for social participation and innovation

that moves people power to transform ideas into actions and passivity into social and environmental movements. We generate real impact by being adaptable and diverse.

Designing the future

to heal the past

and transform the present

People power in action

national and international alliances
+ 0
advocacy victories
+ 0
of people reached globally
+ 0 Millions
people trained in Latin America
+ 0
people on the El Avispero platform
+ 0 one thousand
of people have interacted with our digital content
+ 0 Millions

Our projects

Real and lasting solutions

What we do

Let's achieve collective victories . Let's generate innovative solutions .

Let's turn bright and courageous ideas into reality


Development and creation of models and methodologies to strengthen citizen participation and social innovation. Research on citizen involvement.


We support social leaders and their networks in the fulfillment of their objectives and in finding solutions to the problems of their environment. We promote community ideas to solve social problems.


Multi-stakeholder innovation and agile experimentation efforts with a view to scaling and generating systemic change.


Generation of strategies and content to increase public awareness of causes and issues that identify us and seek to produce changes in society.

Social Design

Creation of disruptive content focused on communities and collectives to effectively disseminate their messages and values through co-creative processes.


Promotion of social mobilization and activism as a key mechanism to promote changes in society by influencing public decisions.


Installed capacity in communities and collectives as a way of strengthening and appropriating knowledge for citizen participation.


Development of educational and technology-based solutions for citizen participation.


Latest publications and discoveries

Columns, articles and podcasts

Media Presence

Joining this team means collaboration, excellence, adaptability and impact.